“I’ve decided if I wanted to do something like [a ‘Reservoir Dogs’ reboot], I would do it more on stage. I think that would be cool,” Tarantino said. “It’d be a great stage play. My thought process was, ‘Well, if it’s a strong piece of material, it would work doing it any time.’ It does seem timeless. And then just with a new group of actors, that would have a new life.”

Tarantino continued, “It would also have a new life by the fact that I didn’t really know what the hell I was doing when I did ‘Reservoir Dogs.’ And now I know what I’m doing a little bit more…I think I was thinking at the time when I was considering doing it as a movie, making it an all Black cast. That’s what I think would have been my twist on it, as far as making it a different movie.” The movie is not moving forward (it should be noted that Jason Reitman put on an all-Black cast reading of “Reservoir Dogs” in 2012), but the stage play might. And it wouldn’t be the only Tarantino stage play in development. The director also revealed last month his plan to bring “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” to the stage following the recent release of the “Hollywood” novelization. The “Hollywood” play is already written. “Believe it or not, I’ve written a play version of [‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’],” Tarantino said on “The Big Picture” podcast. “I wanted to write a play, and stuff that’s not in the book…I wanted it to exist as a play. And again, I’m able to explore stuff that’s not in the [movie]. The play deals with Italy.” “Just to give you a hint of the play,” Tarantino added, “the whole second act of the play is [Leonardo DiCaprio’s character] Rick [Dalton] and [Al Pacino’s character] Marvin [Schwarz] having dinner with [spaghetti western director] Sergio Corbucci and Nori Corbucci at their favorite Japanese restaurant in Rome. Rick doesn’t have the part [yet]. Depending on how this dinner goes, means whether Rick is going to be Nebraska Jim or not.” Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.