Titled “Sausage Party: Foodtopia,” the series will feature the return of several original cast members from the 2016 adult animated film, including Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, David Krumholtz, and Edward Norton. Will Forte, Sam Richardson, Natasha Rothwell, and Yassir Lester join the cast for the series, which is currently in production on an eight episode season and aiming for a 2024 premiere. Released in 2016, the original “Sausage Party” film was set in a world where all food products are alive, to the obliviousness of humans. Unaware of their purpose, the food waits in grocery stores for the human shoppers, who they see as gods, to purchase them and take them to “the Great Beyond.” When a sausage named Frank (Seth Rogen) discovers the truth that they’re meant to be eaten, he goes on a desperate quest with his friends to escape their fates. Plot details of “Foodtopia” are being kept under wraps, so it’s unclear if the show is a sequel to the movie or a completely different story.

The original film received mixed reviews at the time, with IndieWire chief film critic David Ehrlich writing that it’s “a movie that’s funniest joke is that it got made in the first place.” Financially, it was a success at the box office, grossing $141 million against a $19 million production budget. “Film used to be the superior art form to television, and we humbly reached the pinnacle of what can be achieved with film in our remarkable opus, ‘Sausage Party,’” Rogen and Goldberg said in a joint statement. “But now that film is completely dead and TV is the forever-king of entertainment, we’ve decided to continue the epic adventures of our culinary crew in the soon-to-be-legendary televised masterpiece ‘Sausage Party: Foodtopia.’ It’s got all the heart, double the puns, and triple the food-on-food sex. In other words, it’s exactly what the world needs right now.” Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.