Documentary branch voters culled a record 238 films that were eligible for Oscar consideration, breaking the prior record of 170 in 2017, down to the shortlist of fifteen. The movie that likely garnered the most votes heading into the preferential nominations ballot was cuddly South African marine love story “My Octopus Teacher” (a huge breakout on Netflix), which warmed people’s hearts during the pandemic. But “Crip Camp” ticks all the boxes for an Oscar winner, as it not only appeals to Baby Boomers with its Bohemian ’70s summer camp, but is also a rousing call for political activism on behalf of marginalized people, disabled or otherwise. Contenders are listed in order of likelihood to win the Oscar. No contender will be deemed a frontrunner unless I have seen it. Frontrunners “My Octopus Teacher” Contenders: “Crip Camp: a Disability Revolution” “Collective” “Time” “The Mole Agent” Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.